Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Original Version
We changed the width and height of the page to 600pixels and then divided the page in half with the rectangular marquee tool and then chose a different colour to white and filled the box with the gradient tool and then copied the box and flipped it vertically to create the background. We then copied the bottle out of the bottles.jpg and got rid of the white background, and then copied it and turned it upside down to create the reflection and changed the opacity to 70% as well as made the bottom of the bottle a little more curved. We did the same for the ps3 box except changed the perception on the black left hand PS3 side so that it made it look more 3D.
This will help me as when I do a picture on photoshop I can make it look more realistic by knowing how to use reflections and can also make objects look more 3D by using the perception tool which will make my photo's look more realistic.
Original Set of bottles, worked from.

Originial Box worked from