Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Designer - Boudicca

For my hat module I was given the designer “Boudicca” to start with. I have found this really interesting as I enjoy futuristic fashion and this designer is one I would have chosen had I known about them. I enjoyed being given a designer that I didn’t know since it allowed for me to broaden my knowledge and to find a designer that I really enjoyed.
I like their colour scheme which often includes white, gold and black, since these are colours that I myself would use and contrast well as well as looking futuristic. They also use materials which play on the current Fetish trend which I have also enjoyed looking at since the materials used in the Fetish trend are not one’s that I would necessarily use but do like the look of and has allowed me to experiment more.
They also have a more artistic side in that they’re close are not easy to wear and often play off on lines of symmetry and angles that do often not match up and are uneven. This is something that I have enjoyed looking at in the past and has been a real inspiration to my hat.